Corporate Reorganization Support – GPC JAPAN

Corporate Reorganization Support

We conduct the financial advisory business and the consulting services concerning the formulation of the plan and implementation of the corporate reorganization support business.

In a company, there are groups of various subsidiaries and business entities (entities).
They are a variety of businesses in terms of those which have been doing as a core business, and those which have been doing as a non-core business derivatively supporting the core business.

In order to perform corporate management efficiently and also to realize “selection and concentration”, various institutional amendments to company law, Corporate Tax Law, the company disclosure system, etc. have been done.

Financial advisory business and a consulting services

Based on abundant experience in the corporate reorganization, we provide our client with the most appropriate solution, drawing up a plan for the corporate reorganization, framing the project and conducting the implementation support business, in concrete terms.

Clarification of the purpose ⇒Drafting of the strategy for the corporate reorganization ⇒ Drafting of the implementation plan ⇒Implementation support business

Due diligence duties

In implementing the corporate reorganization, there is a need to understand correctly the details of business and, for that purpose, to conduct appropriately the verification of the business model (business due diligence), the verification of the legal risk (legal due diligence) and the verification of the financial risk (financial due diligence). Especially, the financial due diligence is indispensable for the corporate value measurement (stock price calculation), and we have our strength in this field.

Business valuation business

When we perform corporate realignment, there is a need to evaluate each business appropriately. Even if it has been the reorganization within the group without external capital, we are to make appropriately the relevant business value calculation from the viewpoint of tax risk.

The drafting of the strategy for corporate reorganization

The scheme of the corporate reorganization covers a very wide range.
We select the most suitable scheme in line with the purpose of each corporate reorganization. Specifically, there are the following techniques:

  • The spin-off type split※
  • The divestiture type split※
  • Equity swap
  • Transfer of equity interests
  • Corporate merger
  • Assignment of stock
  • Dividend in-kind in the form of stock, etc.

We draft the most appropriate strategy for the corporate reorganization, combining these schemes..

The drafting of the implementation plan

We examine concrete scheduling after having decided on the corporate reorganization strategy.
At this time, we make a more thorough examination of various risks.

The implementation support business

We conduct the implementation support business according to the implementation schedule.