Copyright Policy
All information and logos, sentence, layout, design, image, trademark, picture offered on our homepage and copyrights such as programs belong to us and we do about the handling of these copyright protection objects and the use as follows.- Admit, and correct indication, a reproduction, print only when do not divert it to the environment that a third party can read about the personal use or do not use it for profit, and need indication to relate to copyrights in the case of the use.
- In addition, it is applied by written document about the use by the purpose other than 1 beforehand, and having taken the official permission, one can reuse it, and reproduce it, and can redistribute it, and correct it, and cannot allow the use suffering a misunderstanding of the user.
In addition, as for the mention contents of our homepage, your understanding beforehand is required because it may be changed without a notice.
About every damage that occurred because of the use of acquired various information from our homepage, we do not take all responsibility.
About the exemption clause
The information of our homepage may include a technically incorrect mention and misprint, and, as for this information, we do not take responsibility about a change or every damage that they produced by having used various information acquired by other homepages where it may be updated, and a link is set again in our homepage and our homepage without a notice at all.About a governing law
To our homepage one can access it from the countries of the whole world where the laws are different, but visitor accessed in our homepage and we both shall agree to what is applied to a law of Japan about the use of our homepage regardless of the difference of the law principle to suffer from. In addition, we do not perform a description and the indication whether the contents of our site are appropriate at all in the environment of the visitor on our homepage.The access to our site shall depend on the free will of the visitor, and a visitor shall have the responsibility about the use of our site.